LIVE Chat Support Bot

$19.00 / month

Hyper-Farmer Web is dedicated to providing you the best hosting solution for your real estate website. Don’t worry about megabytes, gigabytes, bandwidth, downtime or anything. Focus your efforts on starting conversations and closing deals while we take care of the rest!


  • Fully functional live chat plugin
  • Unlimited simultaneous live chats
  • Live chat directly with your visitors
  • Offline messages are now stored (When Live Chat is switched off)
  • Google Analytics integration
  • Add surveys or polls to your chat box, before or after a chat session
  • No monthly live chat subscriptions needed
  • Desktop Notifications when receiving new live chats
  • Enable/Disable the sound when a new live chat message is received
  • Ban visitors from chatting to you based on IP Address
  • Allow the live chat box to automatically pop up



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