"use strict"; /* Basic -------------------------------------------------------------- */ (function($) { var abrMetabox = {}; ( function() { var $this; abrMetabox = { /* * Initialize */ init: function( e ) { $this = abrMetabox; // Variables. $this.wrap = $( '.abr-metabox-wrap' ); // Init. $this.metaboxInit( e ); // Init events. $this.events( e ); }, /* * Events */ events: function( e ) { // Custom Events $this.wrap.on( 'click change keyup keydown', '.abr-metabox-repeater .attribute-name', $this.setSignature ); $this.wrap.on( 'click', '.abr-metabox-repeater .row-topbar', $this.toggleItems ); $this.wrap.on( 'click', '.abr-metabox-repeater .btn-remove-row', $this.removeRepeaterRow ); $this.wrap.on( 'click', '.abr-metabox-repeater .btn-add-row', $this.addRepeaterRow ); }, /* * Init metabox elements */ metaboxInit: function( e ) { // Add tabs for Meta Box (UI) $this.wrap.find( '.abr-metabox-tabs' ).tabs(); // Repeater sortable $this.wrap.find( '.abr-metabox-repeater tbody' ).sortable( { items: 'tr', placeholder: 'ui-state-highlight', handle: '.row-topbar, .row-handle', start: function( e, ui ) { ui.placeholder.height( ui.item.height() ); }, } ); }, /* * Toggle items */ toggleItems: function() { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'closed' ) ) { $( this ).removeClass( 'closed' ); $( this ).siblings( '.row-fields' ).slideDown(); } else { $( this ).addClass( 'closed' ); $( this ).siblings( '.row-fields' ).slideUp(); } }, /* * Set signature */ setSignature: function() { var label = '' + $( this ).data( 'label' ) + ''; var value = $( this ).val() ? $( this ).val() : label; $( this ).parents( '.row-content' ).find( '.signature' ).html( value ); }, /* * Add repeater row */ addRepeaterRow: function() { var repeater = $( this ).siblings( '.abr-metabox-repeater-table' ) // Get html row. var html = repeater.find( 'tbody tr.hidden' ).html(); // Add new row. repeater.find( 'tbody' ).append( '
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